We do not and will not knowingly source, purchase or participate that involve in
illegal logging. We encourage the suppliers obtain through best forestry practices
and implementing sustained forestry principles and practices.
As one of the fastest growing US based company, we are in the process of implementing unprecedented
measures to protect these beautiful hardwoods for the future generations. It include
re plantations, better sustainability through research & development native
to the forest, and above all protecting ecology and environmental principles within
the scope of commercialization. We are also initiating many actions for local community
developments where we harvest the logs as part of the company’s commitment to invest
where we work. Please visit us again here to know more about our actions for sustained
forestry management. We believe in the definition of sustained forestry means "development
that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. It links the environment, society and the economy (USDA)."
We support teak plantations
Please contact us to invest in teak plantations to preserve this beautiful wood
for future generations and aid the environment by saving rain and tropical forests.
Above all, gain a reasonable profit by helping the environment. These plantations
are handled by teak plantations ltd, which is not affiliated in any way to Global
Teak, Inc.